- ENTRANCE FEE (Php): Php 30.00 / person
- Day Tour – Php 40.00/person
- Overnight – Php. 80.00/person
- INSURANCE (Effective for 24hrs.) – Php 10.00/person
- SMALL BOAT (5 Passengers maximum)
- One-Day Tour with Service Boat: Php 1,400.00
- Two-Day Tour with Service Boat: Php 3,000.00
- MEDIUM BOAT (10 Passengers maximum)
- One-Day Tour with Service Boat: Php 1,800.00
- Two-Day Tour with Service Boat: Php 3,800.00
- LARGE BOAT (15 Passengers maximum)
- One-Day Tour with Service Boat: Php 2,000.00
- Two-Day Tour with Service Boat: Php 4,500.00
- Guest House (10 pax max) ———– Overnight – Php 5,000.00
- Mayor’s Island Guest House ——— Overnight – Php 10,000.00
- Guest Rooms (Rock House) ———– Overnight – Php 2,000.00
- Gazebo
- Day Tour – Php 600.00
- Overnight – Php 1,000.00
- 1st Floor: (Day Tour – Php 5,000.00), (Overnight – Php 7,000.00)
- 2nd Floor: (Day Tour – Php 5,000.00), (Overnight – Php 7,000.00)
- 3rd Floor: (Day Tour – Php 3,000.00), (Overnight – Php 4,000.00)
- Picnic Tables & Chairs at Pavilions
- PAVILION 1: (Day Tour – Php 300.00), (Overnight – Php 500.00)
- PAVILION 2: (Day Tour – Php 200.00), (Overnight – Php 300.00)
- Wooden Tables w/out Shed: (Day Tour – Php 500.00), (Overnight – Php 700.00)
- Concrete Tables w/out Shed: (Day Tour – Php 500.00), (Overnight – Php 700.00)
- Tent Space / Pitching Fee – Php 200.00 / Camping tent per night
- Governor Island Zip-line (546m): Php 250.00/jump
- Quezon Island Zip-line (120m ): Php 100.00/jump
- Wall Climbing: Php 50.00/pax
- Rappelling: Php 50.00/pax
- Helmet Diving: Php 400.00/dive (15 mins.)
- Banana Boat Ride (max 7pax): Php 250.00/pax
- Kayaking (max 2pax): Php 250.00/hour
- Snorkeling: Php 250.00 (set gear rental: mask,snorkel, aqua shoes, and life vest)
- Scuba Made Simple:
– Php 300.00/20 to 30 mins - Intro Dive:
– Php 2,500.00/person for – 2 dives (2 days Booking) - Jet Ski:
– Php 1,000.00/15 mins
– php 2,000.00/30 mins - Parasailing:
– Php 2,000.00/Solo ride
– php 3,000.00/2 person
One-Day Tour includes island hopping and visits to developed and undeveloped islands; no time limit for island stopovers for a chance to enjoy the island activities; the boat stays until the tour is completed.
Two-Days and 1-night stay in the islands including day time island hopping and visits to developed and undeveloped islands; no time limit for island stopovers; with one free ride back and forth to the wharf for purchases of food, etc; the boat stays until the tour is completed.
*Important: Day tour is from 6:00 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Guest who wish to stay overnight in the island is allowed to leave Don Gonzalo Montemayor Wharf not beyond 6:30 P.M.
Above rates are for 2017 rates only. Please refer to Hundred Islands National Park Tour Rates 2018 for updated rates..
Where to eat in Hundred Islands?
You can prepare and bring your own food. There’s a food court and restaurants in Don Gonzalo Montemayor wharf. There are also fast foods available in the town proper. You can also try some Hotel and Restaurants near the Don Gonzalo Montemayor wharf.
Stores selling T-shirts, bags,decorated Shells, key-chain, and other souvenirs are located in the Tourism Office and in the Lucap wharf.
Alaminos City Tourism Office (24/7 in service)
Globe landline: 075.205.0917
Smart: 0920.900.4470 / 0928.244.9011 / 0939.335.2411
Email: alaminoscitytourism@gmial.com
*Emergency, Lost, Need more information on how to get to Hundred Islands national Park.
Pls. Feel Free to Reach these updated Contact Numbers.
Alaminos City Action Center (Medical emergency)
Pldt: 075.632.1058 / Smart: 0947.551.1420
Philippine National Police
Philippine Coast Guard- Lucap Detachment
Public Order and Safety Office (POSO)
Bureau Of Fire
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