The President Hotel – Lingayen Pangasinan

Location: Maramba Blvd., Lingayen
Facilities/ Amenities/ Services: Non-aircon/aircon rooms, open cottages, Swimming pool, function hall, restaurant,free wifi

About 3 minutes walking from the Capitol and 5 minutes from the Lingayen beach.

Former President Fidel V. Ramos (FVR) used to live in the house so nowadays the President Hotel is famous as a part of the historical tour around Pangasinan, too. Hence the name of the hotel – President hotel as it was owned for a certain time by the president FVR himself also and some of the rooms in the hotel are named after the presidents of the Philippines.

Other Beach Resorts and Hotel / Accommodations in Lingayen Pangasinan

Contact Numbers

  1. Capitol Resort Hotel
  2. El Puerto Marina Beach Resort & Spa
  3. El Tonee’s Hotel & Restaurant
  4. Hotel Consuelo Resort & Chinese Restaurant
  5. Lingayen Village Inn
  6. The President Hotel